Actividad 5/20
1.- Have a look at The World factbook, which contains information on the characteristics of several countries in the world. Clic on the title to open the page.
2.-Here look only for information related to the Country that the teacher gives you. Answer the questions in Spanish.
1. When was the country founded? (Background)
Se fundo en 1792
2. What oceans surround it? (Geography)
El mar del Norte, el Canal de la Mancha, el Océano Atlántico y el mar Mediterráneo.
3. Name three natural resources (Geography)
Carbón, mineral de hierro y zing
4. Name four natural dangers (Geography)
Inundaciones, Tormentas del viento en pleno invierno, avalanchas y huracanes (ciclones).
5. Name three environmental problems (Geography)
Daños al bosque de la lluvia ácida, la contaminación del aire por las emisiones industriales y vehiculares, contaminación del agua por residuos urbanos.
6. What is the current population? (People)
7. What is the current life expectancy (People)
Hombre: 39.1 años
Mujeres: 42.1 años
8. What is the unemployment rate? (Economy)
10.3% (2012) y 9.2% (2011).
9. Name two export products (Economy)
Equipo de transporte y productos químicos
10. How many mobile phones are there in use? (Communications)